BPF Cost Award Applications Availaible for your convenience.

Claims for 2016

Claim CRTC Proceeding Applicant Claim Date Claim Amount Approved Amount Reason for Adjustment/Denial
18288-118 2016-0080-0 PIAC 2016-02-22 150.00 150.00
18288-119 2016-0056 PIAC 2016-02-22 450.00 450.00
18288-120 2015-239 PIAC 2016-02-23 19,956.00 1,996.00 Telecom Order #2016-153 ruled that 90% of PIAC's participation in #2015-239 related to telecom
18288-121 2015-421 FRPC 2016-02-29 95,106.00 95,106.00
18288-122 2015-421 PIAC 2016-03-01 16,585.00 16,585.00
18288-123 2015-421 CSUR LA TELE 2016-03-04 80,725.00 80,725.00
18288-124 2015-421 NewWest TV 2016-03-08 2,175.00 2,175.00
18288-125 2015-421 Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) 2016-03-15 94,093.00 94,093.00
18288-126 2015-421 ICTV-MTL 2016-03-24 44,805.00 44,805.00
18288-127 2014-190 ICTV-MTL 2016-03-24 33,091.00 0.00 applicant's participation does not warrant amount requested.
18288-128 2016-22 PIAC 2016-03-31 4,371.00 4,371.00
18288-129 2016-0065-01 CACTUS 2016-04-14 24,442.00 24,442.00
18288-130 2014-1167 CACTUS 2016-04-21 3,048.00 3,048.00
18288-131 2015-239 Union des Consommateurs 2016-04-29 2,596.00 2,596.00
18288-132 2016-0067-7 CACTUS 2016-05-02 25,548.00 25,548.00
18288-133 2015-421 Television Communautaire Frontenac 2016-05-19 4,382.00 4,382.00
18288-134 2016-0063-5 CACTUS 2016-05-25 50,763.00 50,763.00
18288-135 2015-1264-0 PIAC 2016-05-26 1,350.00 1,350.00
18288-136 2015-325 PIAC 2016-05-26 2,727.00 2,727.00
18288-137 2015-421 Tri-Cities Community Television Society 2016-05-30 4,949.00 4,332.00 Adjust for HST rebate
18288-138 2016-0064 CACTUS 2016-06-10 55,571.00 55,571.00
18288-139 2013-19 Education Through Media (ETM) 2016-06-10 81,024.00 0.00 Not considered a consumer group or public interest group
18288-140 2015-239 CNIB 2016-06-20 5,541.00 5,483.00 Adjust for calculation error
18288-141 2015-325 Media Access Canada (MAC) 2016-06-27 69,771.00 69,771.00
18288-142 2016-0064 CMAC 2016-07-05 3,622.00 3,622.00
18288-143 2015-1264 CMAC 2016-07-05 19,661.00 0.00 applicant's participation does not warrant amount requested.
18288-144 2015-421 IWCC 2016-07-05 1,269.00 1,123.00 Adjust for HST rebate
18288-145 2015-1264 ICTV-MTL 2016-07-08 173,242.00 0.00 applicant's participation does not warrant amount requested.
18288-146 2014-1167 ICTV-MTL 2016-07-08 5,691.00 0.00 applicant's participation does not warrant amount requested.
18288-147 2016-195 PIAC 2016-07-25 750.00 750.00
18288-148 2015-421 Ontario Library Association (OLA) 2016-07-26 70,173.00 68,623.00 Adjust for HST rebate
18288-149 2015-421 NAC TV 2016-08-02 11,035.00 11,035.00
18288-150 2015-421 ELAN 2016-08-05 23,539.00 22,175.00 Adjust for HST rebate
18288-151 2016-195 FRPC 2016-08-31 7,933.00 7,933.00
18288-152 2016-197 Union des Consommateurs 2016-10-17 4,655.00 4,655.00
18288-153 2016-197 PIAC 2016-10-18 25,516.00 25,516.00
18288-154 2016-349 PIAC 2016-10-25 3,292.00 3,292.00
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